Monday, October 30, 2006

Slight pause whilst I adjust my accoutrements

Some of you will recognize the character in the last panel. It was fun to draw him again.

The Big News: This will be the last Rook City page for a couple of months. The series is going on hiatus until January, which will allow me to finish up a few comics projects. These projects include getting Rook City #1 ready to print, submitting Evil Ain't Easy to some weekly newspapers, and submitting a story for new anthology that I would love to be in. I've been struggling with trying to finish these things and keep Rook City on time, and it just wasn't working. Stopping for a while will not only let me get these things out of the way, but also make sure that Rook City is always on time when it returns.

HOWEVER... even though Rook City will not be updated for the next couple of months, we will still have new content up on our site every week, including our first ever contest! It's sort of a "first come, first served" thing, so make sure you check back here next Tuesday for more details.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The plot thickens

Page numero ocho is up for the current Rook City story. I hopes ya likes it.

Should have a big announcement next week...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Force is strong with this one...

I did another of these digital sketches, it's a fun little excerise. Enjoy Gannon.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Back on schedule

Hey, it's Tuesday and a new Rook City page is up. All is as it should be.

Talk about it in our forum. I dare ya.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

My son the Jedi.

This is Gabe , he is 4. He wanted me to draw a picture of him as a Jedi, with a green lightsaber. So now you know what's going on here. I like how it turned out, and he will be taking it to show-and-tell on Friday.

Late Nights

Hey everybody wanted to repost these images from a couple of days ago with links that
work. Sorry for the trouble.