Thursday, February 26, 2009

The cons are coming!

We are barely a week away from our first convention of the year... Joplin's own HURLEYCON. We're getting everything together for our table there. Elton, Matt, Dusty, and I will all be there this time, along with seven total comics for you to check out. If you're within driving distance, you should definitely try to make it. It's free admission, and it has literally doubled in size from last year. Come by and say hi! If you mention this blog, you can even get a free sketch...

Speaking of that con, I wanted to thank Jason Hurley for mentioning me and my Cartoon Studio at the high school when he was interviewed recently on a podcast (at about the 3/4 mark). That was cool of him.

We also wanted to let you know that we'll be attending Planet Comicon in Kansas City once again this year (March 28-29). This is the biggest show in the area, and a ton of great artists will be there. We're looking forward to having a great time up there!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sketch night hobos

Fresh sketches are up over on the Joplin Sketch Night blog. This time we were inspired by John Hodgman's list of 800 hobo names...

Check it out, if you dare.

Friday, February 06, 2009

A couple more sketches

Matt came over a couple days ago, and we drew each other's characters. Above is his take on Dimitri from the Vlad Squad. He said he wants to draw the other members, and I'm gonna hold him to that.

And below is my version of Monty, the main character from his new book, Decaying Death.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Fresh sketches

A new batch of sketches is up over on the JOPLIN SKETCH NIGHT BLOG. Check it out, if you dare.