Here are some other excellent webcomics that I have been checking out recently. Some of these update regularly and some don't. But they're all worth a look!
Copper- An excellent monthly comic by Kazu Kibuishi, starring a boy and his dog.
Count Your Sheep- Cool daily strip that is better than so much you'll see in the paper these days.
Cow and Buffalo- Dairy humor. Gotta love it.
Set To Sea- Drew Weing's current comic about a man forced onto a pirate ship. Great, great stuff.
Pup- This older strip by Drew will expand your concept of what webcomics can be.
Evil, Inc.- Where do supervillains go for customer service? Here.
FrankandFrank- So simple. Sooo funny. You can't look at these without smiling.
Holy Cow! Christian Comics- Dean Rankine's quirky adaptations of Bible tales. Truly unique and well done!
Panda Express- A beautifully rendered story of a girl and a panda.
Welton Colbert- Ryan Estrada (who's productivity puts all of us to shame) made up this cantankerous character you can't help but love.
The Tenth Life of Pischio the Cat- An epic tale starring a cat. Great drawing.
Spacegirl- Travis Charest is one of my favorite artists and this is a really fun comic he does semi-regularly.
Guffman and Godot- I always knew cats were evil. This strip proves it.
Check 'em out! They'll make ya feel good.
What do ya mean 'quirky'!??!
Oh yeah. I guess you're right :)
You know it's true, Dean! You're just weird!
Seriously though, man, I really admire what you're doing with your comics. Creative and with a great message! Keep it up!
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